Welcome to McCallsburg. The following information is meant to help you make a smooth transition to our community. If you don't find what you need, please use our contact form or call us at 515-434-2242.
Electric Utility Services
Electric service in McCallsburg is Alliant Energy. If you are a new resident you can start your service online.
You can also call them at 1-800-255-4268.
Water Utilities
Water Utilities are provided and billed by McCallsburg. To start service you'll need to complete an application, and pay a $100.00 deposit.
Utility bills are sent out by the 1st of each month. The due date for utility bills is the 19th of each month. Auto payment is available. Complete the form and mail or bring to city hall.

Sanitation Services
Garbage removal on Thursday mornings. If you have extra trash that needs to be picked up, please call Pratt Sanitation at
515-382-4951 before Thursday or it will not be picked up. The extra removal will be placed on your next bill. If you would like an extra cart please contact Pratt or City Hall. There is a $5.00 charge a month for this.

Building Permits
Building permits are required on additions, garages, fences, decks, sheds just to name a few. Please stop by City Hall with any questions and to pick up a permit or you can print one off on the website.

McCallsburg Internet Services
Minerva Valley Companies is our fiber-optic broadband internet provider. With up to 200 Mbps of download and upload speeds, you will have enough speed to stream content, work from home or attending school online. 641-487-7399

McCallsburg Post Office
Retail Hours
Monday-Friday : 12:00pm - 4:00pm
Saturday - 12:00pm - 2:30pm
Story County | Zip-Code: 50154

Additional Local Resources
Local Schools
We are in the Colo/NESCO school district. Visit the Colo-NESCO Community School webpage for more details.
McCallburg Wellness Center
Get healthy and stay healthy at McCallsburg Fitness/Wellness Center. A community center established by volunteers and community support.
See additional details.
External Resources
Receiving an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can be devastating for both seniors and their loved ones. And while the news itself can be overwhelming, getting the right diagnosis is also the first step in receiving the right care. From therapies to medications, new and innovative treatments are being developed to improve the quality of life of those with memory impairment.
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