All property owners in McCallsburg will soon be receiving letters with instructions for providing the City with water service material information. This is required by the EPA and is a nationwide effort. You will need to determine the material of the water service line entering the building, submit a photo of the service line where it enters the building, and provide any information you have about plumbing upgrades. If you need help determining the material, call City Hall for assistance at 515-434-2242. All buildings built prior to 1988 may have a lead service line.
Lead Service Line Inventory Requirement:
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead-Copper Rule Revision requires all community water suppliers and non-transient non-community water supplies to develop a Lead Service Line Inventory by October 16, 2024. This inventory is required to be submitted to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Iowa DNR) by that date. The City of Colo needs to identify the type of service lines for ALL properties connected to the City’s public water supply, regardless of ownership status. This does not mean service lines need to be replaced by the deadline, only identified. At a minimum, the city will need to determine if the service lines are classified as lead, galvanized requiring replacement, non-lead, or unknown. In an effort to better manage resources and costs, the City of McCallsburg will be asking for help from residents and business owners to self-identify their property’s private service line material. As a result, a Lead Service Line Survey has been created to gather all required information. All surveys will need to be completed by August 1st. If you have any questions, please contact City Hall at 515-434-2242.